Spring Bright

This bouquet will brighten up any day and make everyone who sees it smile with pleasure! The unexpected combination of such brilliant colours weaves its magic perfectly. The pale pink roses and bright cerise pink gerberas clash and harmonise with the yellow gerberas, orange gerbera and large green chrysanthemum bloom. The final touches are the vivid blue limonium and pretty salal foliage. The bouquet is presented in a small black gift bag making it the ideal gift to send to a workplace. This arrangement contains the following flowers: 5 x Pink Roses 3 x Cerise Gerberas 4 x Yellow Gerberas 1 x Orange rbera 1 x Green Bloom Chrysanthemum 3 x Blue Limonium Salal foliage and a Cream Gift Bag

Price: $ 55.38 | Rs. 3600      free shipping

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